Walking Taco Food Lab



Love tacos and easy to prep food labs? Walking Tacos is your go-to to cover great tasting food and a simple cooking lab in your FCS classroom. Not familiar with walking tacos? Combine your love of tacos with an individual serving size bag of chips to pile in your favorite taco toppings, and now you have a walking taco. This food lab can be completed in under 49 minutes from start to finish after the food lab plan is complete. This product contains both digital and print options for the cooking lab in your FCS kitchen.



What’s included:

  • Recipe
  • Shopping list- blank and for 150 servings
  • Food Lab Job Titles and Duties
  • Food Lab Plan for students to complete during class before cooking day
  • Reflection form for students to complete after cooking day
  • Guest Judge Order Form- Staff taste testers can customize an order
  • Guest Judge Order- Given to each kitchen to make for the taste tester
  • Guest Judge Feedback Form- Completed by taste testers
  • Digital links for the documents listed above to be completed online if desired and allow for editing to customize for your classroom




Recommended timeframe if your school runs on a 45-55 min class period:

  • Day 1- Kitchen groups write the food plan
  • Day 2- Cooking day- Walking Tacos
  • Day 3- Individual student reflection

Also available in my Taco Bout FACS TPT store.


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