3 Ways to Prepare Your FACS Room for Spring Break

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You know the feeling, spring break cannot come soon enough. In fact, it is likely when it rolls around, you are ready to run for your car when the final bell rings without thinking twice. 

Taking a few proactive steps, with the help of your students, can make your break more enjoyable, and your return to the classroom even less stressful. 

Hopefully you will find these tasks to be relatively effortless and worth the time!

Cleaning the classroom mess

It does not take long for your classroom to become a mess. Even the most well-intentioned students don’t always put things away correctly. The bell is about to ring and you’re willing to let the mess hang around for one more day. 

Clean your desk

Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. 

clean off your desk before spring break taco bout facs family and consumer science

Keep this task simple. Too much time and you will likely end up with a bigger problem and less motivation to finish.  

Clean up the random papers you haven’t filed. Make a quick choice- is it easier to file them away now or can you trash/recycle the papers because you have a digital file. 

Within the same 5-10 minutes alloted for desk clean-up, take everything off your desk. Spray and clean the space. Even if you regularly do this, it still ends up with dust and dirt. 

Returning to a clean and tidy desk is one of the best treats when you return after your break. 

Clean the mess

Dried paint? Leftover hot glue bits? Marks on the floor? 

There are always a few students willing to help with tasks such as these. 

Kitchen scrapers are the best tool to have on hand for these moments. Dried paint on tables or the floor? Have a student work to clean it up. 

While they are at it, set a timer for 5 minutes to put away any lingering supplies. You know of them, the random supplies left behind for the one or two students who didn’t finish a project. Found a rogue hot glue stick? Put it away. 

This 5 minute timer helps to make sure the attention to this task stays focused and achievable.  

Clean up the extra copies

Depending on your school’s late work policy, you might be able to pack away these extra copies? 

What pages can be recycled? What pages can be put away for next semester? What pages can be used as scrap paper? 

Make sure all papers are straightened up or put away. This makes space for the upcoming pages you will need for units. 

FACS lesson plans

Lesson plans and FACS scope and sequence

Finalize your lesson plans for your return. 

Nobody needs to be scrambling when you return to school. Don’t count of the copy machine and definitely don’t plan on extra time early in the morning.  Maybe with your course, you’re able to have it planned out for the remainder of the year. 

get ready for spring break taco bout facs

Hopefully you have at least a rough outline or a detailed plan to finish out the semester. In my case, the final quarter of the semester means I am about to start grocery shopping – sometimes that means multiple times a week. 

At least commit to 2-3 days of lesson plans, including copies,  for your return. It will make all the difference.

To-do list

To best serve your future self, take note of all the tasks you want or need to complete when you return. 

Don’t count on yourself to remember and don’t carry that stress into your break. You cannot recharge when your mind is full of tasks to complete. 

What might you need to order or purchase? What might you need to pick up at the store? Write it down. 

Make a copy list

Make a list of everything you need to copy when you return. Use sticky notes with the number and if they’re front/back, etc. 

Surely you would remember when you return, but take the guess work out of it. Your mind will be racing and full when you return. Making copies should not be on your radar. 

Organize and purge

Have you ever noticed how easily you can accumulate absolute junk in your classroom? This is where the final organizing and purging comes into play. 

Classroom fridges

What refrigerated items need to be tossed? Whether it’s your personal fridge or your classroom fridge? 

Are there any fridge spills that need cleaned up? Has someone been using your fridge or freezer space and needs to collect items? 

Clean, combine, and get rid of what’s no longer usable.

Laundry and loose ends

Task a student with running a load of laundry in the morning so it’s ready for the dryer by the afternoon classes. 

Clean off the top of the washer and out the dryer lint trap. Have students sweep any lint and dust. 

Put away any last minute items in the kitchen. It happens to all of us- putting off a task for later. Make later now so you return to a fresh and clean classroom. 

facs lesson plans family and consumer science

Happy teacher, happy classroom

And finally, before leaving at the end of the day…have students spray and clean off tables and door knobs. Your classroom space will be refreshed and renewed for your return.

You are likely hanging on by a thread before spring break. The last thing you want to do is continue cleaning and organizing. I promise your future self will be so glad to return to an organized room. 

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