3 Ways to Maximize Your Time When Returning Back to School


Ready or not, here it comes. Back to school season is happening. 

Repeat after me, “THIS is the year I take back my time and find a better work-life balance.” Seriously, I mean it when I say I want that for you! 

It’s always difficult to give up summer, but likely you want your room ready before your contract time starts. Sometimes classroom work time can be far and few between. 

In my experience, the secondary world provides more time working in classrooms than elementary. Either way, it’s never quite enough time. Being strategic is your best bet to optimize the time you do have to keep your work-life balance a priority. 

Whether you have a lot of work time in your classroom or barely enough, having a plan will maximize your time.

With that said, there are 5 ways I recommend implementing to maximize your time when returning back to school.

The best part of the list is that none of these cost money or require too much effort. It will be something your future self will thank you for later.

Create a "need to print" list

Tell me I’m not the only one who can stand in my classroom looking around and unsure what to do next? 

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s hard to think straight. This is where the “Need to print” list or folder will save your life. 

I keep a running list of thoughts on the notes app on my phone. If it’s a random, “can’t forget this” thought, it gets added. 

However, this will be my 4th year with a “Need to print” Google Drive folder. I have a well organized system for all of my documents, but sometimes it seems like it takes forever to open all of the folders for everything I need. The “Need to Print 24” folder is a renamed folder from “Need to Print 23”. 

need to print folder to maximize your time when returning to school

After quickly stopping by my classroom a few days ago to take the heavy items off my kitchen counters, I realized I need to print new classroom expectations. That will be added to the folder so I don’t waste time searching for it on a contract day.

In this folder, I have my syllabus and parent behavior contract letter, everything from the back to school bundle, like the team building and get to know you activities. I also have everything from the career, community, and family connections self-development bundle

Why take the time to make copies for more than the first week? To save my future, first-week of school self time. I know I’ll be tired and would much prefer racing home to relax than spending time at the copy machine.

When making your own “Need to Print” folder, make a copy of the document and then organize to your new folder. You don’t want to forget what’s there when looking for the document later. 

Semester mapping

Semester mapping means printing multiple calendar templates for each of your preps, writing down the days school is not in session and trying to pick and choose which activities to add or remove from the semester. 

semester mapping to maximize your time when returning to school

Before teaching a semester course, I couldn’t tell you the difference between the fall and spring semester. Now that I teach a semester course, I can tell you one year it was a 19 day difference. Last year and this year are both 10 additional days in the spring. 

I’d much prefer the 10 additional days in the fall since I spend several days teaching my junior high students how to use Canvas, how to check grades in PowerSchool, how to access my Daily Slide, etc, but I digress. 

I prefer to print my monthly semester calendars on different color paper. It’s usually one color per prep, per semester to keep them separate. I treat these calendars like gold. They are more important than my lesson plans! 

I like to take notes on the calendar and use it to help when planning for the next semester. What worked, what needed more time, what should be changed, what my students might need more help with, etc. 

Setting up your classroom

I firmly believe the “Put your oxygen mask on first” mentality when setting up your classroom. Get your space ready first. It’s much harder to work on things when your area is still boxed or disorganized. 

It is way too easy standing around staring at all the things to do getting your room ready. The focus is productive time over wasted time. 

Set a timer and organize your desk space. Having your space ready will give you a peace of mind when checking emails, watching your required videos, etc. 

get your desk area ready first to maximize your time when returning to school

(sidenote- we are able to watch our videos before contract days start to earn the Friday off during our first contracted week of workdays. I will gladly sit on the couch taking care of the mandated videos instead of adding that to my first week tasks). 

Once your desk space is set up, make your next priority setting up a student supply space….away from your desk area. I have a space designated for extra copies, pencils, pencil sharpener. (This is the gold medalist of all sharpeners if you need one. As in, I’m starting year 17 with the exact same sharpener I bought before my first year). 

Yes, I supply students with pencils. It’s a real nuisance, but I also find it way easier to supply pencils as needed than it is to not have students complete the assignment. Late work drives me crazy. 

Having a plan to attach your classroom setup will save you time. You might still stand around, but hopefully you have your desk and student supply areas set up. If I have last minute things to set up, I do it while students are finishing “get to know you” printables during the first couple days. 

A few more reminders...

It’s ok if you close your door to work in peace. It’s nice to see co-workers again, but I’d have lunch with you if I wanted to chat for hours. I’m here to work and get home when it’s time. 

It’s ok to take your work email off your phone. I don’t regret it. I haven’t missed out on anything important. And my students know I prioritize my family outside of school hours so I need them to prioritize the time I give them in the classroom. 

If you’re still feeling overwhelmed from lack of resources and not enough time, the doors to The Membership Hub are still open. Complete lesson plans, resources, projects, activities, games, and more will carry you through, even without a textbook. 

If you’re looking for ways to organize your budget and spending, get the free trackers here

Repeat after me again, “THIS is the year to create a work-life balance”. You deserve it. 

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